Heavenly Father Loves Us No Matter What


Well.... I don’t have much to say this week.  I’m super beat.  I’ve got some stomach thing going on and I’ve spent way too much time on the toilet and staring into it too.  But hey, I’m losing weight.  Gotta look at the good side.

I just want to share my testimony that I know this is the true church.  I know that we have a prophet in this day and I know that without him we wouldn’t know the will of the Lord for us.  I know that the scriptures truly are our guides in this life. They really do contain the things that we need to do to have the blessings that Heavenly Father wants for us. As I look at these things and the many other things we have in our lives as guides, I can see that Heavenly Father really loves us.  He has given us the scriptures, the prophets, the Holy Ghost, his son Jesus Christ, all so we can get back to him.  Sad that we need that much help, but I’m so thankful that I have all of this available to me.  

I know that we aren’t perfect.  I don’t know why, but I think I have to be perfect a lot of the time, and then I have to remember that this life is to progress and learn. Not to become perfect now.  I know that as I try to be better each day that I will be blessed. Sometimes its hard, and I feel like I’ve failed.  But I have to have faith that Heavenly Father loves us no matter what and that He has given us the opportunity to repent.  And that he will forgive us if we do.  The hardest part for me is we have to forgive ourselves too!  I know that the things I’ve experienced here have grown my testimony and I’m so glad I’ve had these experiences.  Just have to have faith in all of this and keep on working always!

Elder Ollis

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry your sick.....I have to say how impressed I am with you young man. You have grown so much in such a short time. Your testimony is so so strong and I am so glad you share it with us every week! love you.
