Well, I felt this week was a good week. Unfortunately, the
baptism that fell through last week didn’t happen this week either. We
went to go and fill up the font and the water came out brown… Honduras
problems. So, next week, hopefully. But it was a super good week
because we have a new investigator who is seriously the best investigator I’ve
ever had. His name is Jonathan and I mentioned him before. He’s
seriously legit and I’ll just write a little and explain what’s been happening
so far. Number one, He’s the son-in-law of a member in our ward. We
are teaching the niece of the lady, and he just one days asks if we gave the
lessons. So we asked if he wanted the lessons, and he was like yah. He
had already been coming to church before that. So the day he asked us
that, he already had given the family home evening message on the priesthood.
He had studied the pamphlet on the restoration that we left him, and
looked up stuff on the church’s website and everything. It was a good
lesson. So then we went to teach him the first lesson on the restoration
and we explained everything, and about the Book of Mormon, and he asked us
about the urim and thummim and everything.
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05/26/2014 - Jonathon, a missionary's dream investigator. Study tabs and all! |
I remember him telling us that he was studying the pamphlet in
the bus and at work at his lunch hour, and he said that something inside of him
is telling him it’s right. The pamphlet
was all marked up with highlighter and everything. Then we gave him a Book of Mormon and
challenged him to baptism and he said yes!
We also challenged him to read the Book of Mormon and pray to know if
it’s true. The next lesson we asked him if he had read the Book of Mormon. And he said yes, he had read up to 1 nefi 7,
but he read it like five times, over and over. He was explaining things
in it to his wife who’s a less active. I
asked him if he prayed, and he said yah. Then I said, what do you think?
He said I don't think, I feel it’s right. It was SO AWESOME AND
THIS IS WHY I LOVE BEING A MISSIONARY!! I just wish every single one of my
investigators was like this. I mean, come on, he marked tabs in his
scriptures that he bought, he fills out the study section in the back of the
pamphlet we gave him one day, he goes to church every week. Last week his wife was sick and he left her
home and still came. Now here’s the kicker. He doesn’t even live in my
area. We can’t baptize him in my ward because he doesn’t live here.
He lives somewhere else, but is always at his mother-in-law’s house.
And they are looking for a house here, but sadly, I don’t think I
will get to see his baptism. I’m afraid I will be changed out before they
move here.
We also were able to set a baptismal date with a lady that was
really difficult. We baptized her son, Samir, like two months ago and her
husband is a recent convert too. But she
didn’t get baptized with him. He went to the United States, mojado, as
they say... illegally. And so she’s been really struggling. She was
really hard before and we’d always talk about baptism and everything, but she
never wanted to do it. But she said, “when my husband is in the states I’ll get
baptized.” So he got there recently and
we went to visit her the other day, and we talked about getting baptized. I reminded her of her little promise and she
was like, yup, ok let’s do it. So she’s getting baptized the seventh of June.
So yes, a good week for me.
I had a few thoughts I wanted to share as I studied the
Atonement this week, but I don’t have time. So next week! Love you all and I know that this church is true
and that through the Atonement we can be better and return with God. And I’m grateful for that, and for Christ.
I love you all and the mission too!